Playboy - Playmate Video Calendar 1987 - 600 MB
Cast : Roberta Vasquez, Cynthia Brimhall, Dona Speir

Kathy Shower, Barbara Edwards, Cherie Witter, Julie McCullough
Pamela Saunders, Sherri Arnett, Donna Smith, Rebekka Armstrong
and Carol Ficatier ( what a name for german ears )

I always thought Carol Ficatier could be a good Janet Van Dyne a.k.a. the Wasp from the Avengers.

Her or Dylan Rider

Back to the video calendar, it´s a pretty good one. Strangely enough it includes three ( ! ) playmates that later on starred in movies by Andy Sidaris : Roberta Vasquez

Cynthia Brimhall

and Dona Speir

I think Dona was in the most movies closely followed by Roberta Vasquez and Cynthia Brimhall. Either this was a really good year for playmates or Andy just sits around Playboy Mansion inviting all playmates to his casting couch. Damn, that guy must get more playmate tail then anyone else.
On the other side if someone has that many playmates starring in his movie there are bound to be some who were from the same year. In any case you can´t knock the guys taste.
Playboy - Playmate Video Calendar 1990 - 603 MB
Cast : Shannon Long

Kimberley Conrad
Fawna MacLaren, Laura Richmond, Laurie Wood, Emily Arth, Piya Reyes, Ava Fabian
Simone Eden, Jennifer Lyn Jackson, Karin Van Breeschooten, Mirjam Van Breeschooten and Tawni Cable

in one file - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 or 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Playboy Playmate Video Calendar 1991 - 601 MB
Cast : Pamela Anderson, Erika Eleniak, Jacqueline Sheen, Petra Verkaik, Renee Tenison, Peggy McIntaggart ! - also Tina Bockrath, Karen Foster
Helle Michaelsen, Bonnie Marino, Lisa Matthews and Deborah Driggs
This one is like a Who´s Who of hot playmates. It includes my personal favorites Pamela Anderson
Erika Eleniak
Jacqueline Sheen
Petra Verkaik
Renee Tenison
and Peggy McIntaggart

What´s more : both Erika Eleniak and Pamela Anderson were both on BAYWATCH ! They also were both candidates for my SEARCH FOR POWER GIRL series. Petra Verkaike was the model for John Byrne when he drew She Hulk

Renee Tenison would be perfect for Storm

Jacqueline Sheen could be Dazzler and Peggy McIntaggart could also be a candidate for the Power Girl series.
Playboy - Playmate Video Calendar 1992 - 600 MB
Cast : Stacy Arthur, Alison Armitage
Cristy Thom, Gianna Amore

Julie Clarke

Melissa Evridge, Lorraine Olivia

Carrie Jean Yazel, Lisa Matthews

Christina Leardini and Kerri Kendall
Kerri is another Power Girl candidate. Her solo video is one of the best playmate videos - EVER !
more hot playmate posts :
click for mega MILF Teri Hatcher´s tv and movie clips her appearances on late night and on two and a half men
As a reminder for the new readers of this blog here is a supersexy clip of spanish Power Girl Marlene Mourreau who performes as a belly dancer. She has squeezed her tits in a micro top that just covers her nipples - and not much else. If you don't want to go through the whole post you have to at least download this clip. You owe it to yourself !!!
You can download the clip in good quality ( as well as dozens of other ) right here :
bellydancer clip / alternative link 1 / 2

Marlene running in her belly dancer outfit
part 1 , part 2 and part 3 of jamaican playmate Venice Kong
click here for part 1 , part 2 , part 3 , part 4 and part 5 of megasexbomb Jacqueline Sheen
click here for part 1 , part 2 and part 3 of Roberta Vasquez´pics and her clips ( with Ava Cadell and Cynthia Brimhall )
click here for the Tylene Buck RELOADED post here for more Tylene Buck and here for even more Tylene Buck
click for ultimate Power Girl Pamela Anderson , Pamela Anderson cleavage in black , Pamela Anderson on Dancing with the Stars and the essential Pamela Anderson
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