Barbara Schöneberger has quite a unnerving personality in fact she ruins most erections by opening her mouth and most males in Germany whish she would use it for other things.
But you can´t deny that she´s more than qualified to fill out the magical cleavage window with her giant 40DD boobs. She would be perfect as the new JSA chairwoman. There could be a scene where she has to " test " all male members physical endurance especially CITIZEN STEEL who´s whole body is as hard a steel now. Since Power Girl can bend steel she is one of the few who would enjoy polishing his rod.
Or one where the Hulk ( or the Maestro ) kidnaps the hottest women from the DC universe for his own personal harem.
She had a show on german tv called BLONDES GIFT ( blonde poison ) in which she interviewed famous people and quite often had wardrobe malfunctions...or so she says. I´m not so sure if she doesn´t try them out first. On the other side she seems genuinly surprised how her outfits squeeze her big breasts. Quite often they almost fall out of her dress and in one instance they were pushed almost up to her chin.

Now she´s not only blessed with an amazing rack but having a name like Schöneberger which sounds like " schöne Berge " - which in german means " beautiful mountains " - doesn´t really help and is the source of many jokes ( nomen est omen ). Of course it´s not much better in english because the most common mispelling is to announce her as " Boobara Schöneberger ". Not much better. Anyway, I´m going to post more pictures but here is the set from this year´s BAMBI awards which are one of the biggest german tv and movie awards. Of course I missed the show.

As I said, I only used to have one clip but doing some research I found many more of her clips, so that it merited doing a post about her.

Man, the guy interviewing her must be either a total pro or gay - there´s no other explanation. I mean that cleavage is just an invitation for motorboating her. I have to say if I had to interview her I know how that would go.

clips without screenshots :

on sat1 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 parts / interview johannes b kerner 1 / 2 / 3
click for Akira Lane , her bikini clips and her new BIG clips

click here for best of Janet Jackson live , new janet clips , my first post about Janet Jackson , the mega busty Latoya post and more Janet Jackson and even more Janet Jackson part 2 and Janet megabusty in blue first part that also has her new video MAKE ME and second part - NEWEST JANET POSTS :

click here for part 1 and part 2 of Collien Fernandez
picture ( below middle ) courtesy of erotic artist extraordinaire Julius Zimmerman. You can find all his uncensored pics here
picture ( right ) from strideri 3d sex comic / part 2
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