and Strideri´s 3D comics
but this is not going to take long as I already did all the work.
Originally written on Tuesday, April the 7th, 2009
Wow, Yesterday my number two erotic actress Mia Zottoli ( click for a clip of sexbomb mia zottoli in a wet t - shirt )
had her birthday and today Nikki Fritz my undisputed number one turns 47. This must be like sex movie star week.
edit : yes, I somehow missed Mia Zottoli´s birthday Yesterday but the post IS coming. Don´t worry.

While Mia Zottoli hasn´t starred in that many movies ( at least with her new breasts ) Nikki Fritz has appeared in a gazillion of movies and you have probably seen a few of them. Not only has she starred in uncountable erotic movies she was also in dozens of mainstream movies. She even appeared in an episode of the tv show BEVERLY HILLS as a stripper for a bachelor party strutting her big 34Ds.
Which by pure coincidence is the same episode in which Tiffany Amber Thyssen appears in the famous ultrahot black lingerie which I already posted : part 1 and part 2 of sexy Tiffany Amber Thyssen

Yes, Tiffany Amber Thyssen and Nikki Fritz in the same episode. And the only reason I remember this is that one of the girls on the show ( Kelly ? ) was giving her boyfriend a hard time because a friend of his was having a bachelor party. Not him. His friend. And her argument was somehow that she wanted him not to go to his best friends bachelor party because she didn´t feel like it.
It´s this age old thing that it is totally okay when women have male strippers on bachelorette parties because that´s political correct, and liberating and empowering. But it´s totally wrong when men have women stripping on bachelor parties because all men are pigs and it´s totally degrading for all the women in the whole world.

But back to Nikki Fritz. In most erotic movies there is the rule that you have three actresses : one who looks totally uninteresting, one who looks hot and one who is a wet dream come true. Of course the first one is the main character, the second one appears in one or two scenes while you´re lucky if the girl in the last category even takes her clothes off.
It´s very seldom that somebody like Nikki Fritz falls into the second or even the first category as recurring sexbomb or even as the main character. In most erotic movies you wait for one good scene. Because even if Nikki Fritz appears only in one scene that´s totally worth it. The chance to see her going wild on a guy made me sit through many otherwise boring movies. Now that I think about one of the reasons why I am so obsessed with Daniela Elger ( besides her gigantic gazongas )

is that she looks like Nikki Fritz´older big breasted sister. Like the porn version - if that´s even possible.
It´s not very common to have more than one really hot babe in one erotic movie but there are some where Nikki co - starred with Power Girl Julie K. Smith
or even Lorissa McComas ( you can find some clips with them in the clip post ).
Sadly Lorissa has passed away, but since I haven´t had the time to do a post about her here are some of her best clips :

But back to our birthday babe Nikki Fritz. What I haven´t seen is a movie that has my three favorites. Which would be Shauna OBrien
Mia Zottoli
and Nikki Fritz
in one movie.
There was an erotic movie I once saw which had a detective story plot that would be perfect as a remake for them.

I think it was called SINFUL INTRIGUE and - which is a real coincidence - Lorissa McComas starred in it.
In the story a private detective is hired to solve a murder with three possible suspects : the wife, the maid and the daughter. Since they all did it together - like in MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS - they try to prevent the detective from solving the murder by taking turns screwing his brains out.

Of course Nikki Fritz would play the always horny wife. Mia Zottoli would play the busty maid who the murder victim constantly screwed and who - suspiciously - not only looks like his daughters twin but also is about the same age. And of course Shauna OBrien would get the part of the sexual hyperactive daughter who got a regular taste of fatherly love - the hardcore way.

I swear this would be like the best movie ever. Normally I don´t like girl on girl scenes but this would be the exception. Seeing Nikki Fritz and Shauna OBrien ravaging Mia Zottoli´s hot body with double dildos - that´s like total porn nirvana.
Since Nikki Fritz has starred in a few mainstream movies there was a bit more info I could find :

Nikki Fritz has appeared in over one hundred feature films and television shows on her resume. She studied acting with "The Hollywood Coach" Howard Fine before getting her big break playing a bikini girl in Columbia Pictures' Spring Break. "The director picked me over hundreds of other girls because he said I made him laugh," she remembers. After this auspicious debut, she never looked back, working for legendary producer Roger Corman in movies like Dinosaur Island. Her most prominent exposure to mainstream audiences was a small role in Doug Liman's movie, Go in 1999.
Fritz owns and runs her own official website. In interviews, she has described herself as an avid Internet surfer, reminiscient of the role she played in the Cinemax TV show Nightcap. She has said, "In one of the episodes I play a girl who finds love through a chat room. Since I'm very much an internet fanatic, I felt at home in this role and it turned out to be one of my better pieces of work."

Throughout it all, she remains proud and fiercely unrepentant about her softcore career. "With all the stipulations out there that you can't do nudity and be a successful actress, I want to prove all of that wrong," she says. "I can be naked, I can do erotic film, I can be sexy, and still be an intelligent woman who is taken seriously as an actress."
Fritz generally confines her adult film work to softcore and "girl-girl" videos and photoshoots where she enjoys most of her works.
Now like in my birthday post of Mia Zottoli I wanted to post clips to my three top movies in this post. Now with the sheer number of movies Nikki has done it´s difficult to pick three. After a lot of thinking I came up with three. Sadly I couldn´t find a clip for the first one and there are so many for the last one that I don´t want to post them all here.
It´s one of the few cases where Nikki Fritz is the main character. So even if Nikki was in a gazillion movies here are the two that are in the top position.
My number two would be INTIMATE SESSIONS in which Nikki appears in a black and white crime story sequence that´s totally hot.
The other scene is in SINFUL OBSESSION in which Nikki plays a sexually unsatisfied married woman who becomes a prostitute to get what her husband can´t give her. Don´t you just love those movie plots ? Anyway, there is a dream sequence where Nikki is green lighted and she totally looks like SHE HULK.
I haven´t seen the She Hulk movie with Brigitte Nielsen ( though I have heard it totally sucked ) but I guess for She Hulk doing it this is as near as you can get.
Now these clips will be included in the clip posts just to have them all in one post ( or two posts since there is really a lot of them ). I am trying to eliminate double posting but because there are so many clips there can be a few that slip under the radar.
more about Nikki Fritz :
click here for part 1 , part 2 and part 3 of Roberta Vasquez´pics and her clips ( with Ava Cadell and Cynthia Brimhall )
click for part 1 and part 2 of flexible cult siren Shauna OBrien
click here for best of Janet Jackson live , new janet clips , my first post about Janet Jackson , the mega busty Latoya post and more Janet Jackson and even more Janet Jackson part 2 and Janet megabusty in blue first part that also has her new video MAKE ME and second part - NEWEST JANET POSTS :

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