And it seems the news are once again terrified of Janet Jackson´s breasts. It´s unbelievable how many people are afraid to see the best body in showbiz naked or at least parts of it. And to that I have to say : stop it !
You will end up traumatizing this wonderful woman for life. As if it´s not bad enough that she has body issues since she was 11 and that a whole nation scorned her for showing a nipple. Now she´s finally confident enough to show her stunning physique again - and they know nothing better than to panic that her boobs might pop out during a concert.
I don´t think those people know why men go to live concerts. Man, if Janet´s rack would spill out of her dress during a concert that would be so cool. Not that they would show it on tv.
Now what I find curious are three things :
1. they all have to report on it. No matter how much they protest they all have to run the news which is in no way an excuse to run photos of hot Janet.

2. they all have to mention the superbowl and that she´s 44 years old. So what ? She still looks terrific. 44 is the new 22. Janet just looks hotter and hotter the older she gets. And her boobs also seem to grow a bit. Which I´m a big fan of. Not that she doesn´t have a great butt - she could bust nuts with that piece. In fact I would love her to bust my nuts with it.
3. they all compete with each other to run the hottest photo of Janet where her boobs have the greatest squeeze - factor. Although most just run this picture.

Which is a great picture, I´m still trying to find a bigger and better version. Now my advice to Janet would be to just ignore all those jealous haters and fraidy cats. Just do your thing, girl. You´re beautiful and you have more talent then they ever will. Don´t let anyone stop you from expressing yourself, enjoying life and wear whatever you want and show how much of your body as you want. I think your boobs are incredible and I can´t see enough of them. Hell, I even named this blog after them.

Now here are a few examples of the really ridiculous news reports. Reading them you might get the impression that Janet Jackson´s breasts are going to invade China and begin their quest for world domination any minute now. As for the pictures, as usual there are a few more parts coming up.
Janet Jackson resembled the look of Katie Price as she narrowly avoided another Super Bowl-style ' wardrobe malfunction ' during a concert in Taiwan.

The 44 - year - old clearly hasn't been put off flashing the flesh, wearing a leather catsuit which barely contained her boobs during a concert in Taiwanese capital Taipei this week.
Luckily for Janet her sizeable assets remained under wraps this time – just.
Janet Jackson gives fans an eye-popping display in her stage show - seven years after she boobed with Justin Timberlake at the Super Bowl.
The 44 - year - old was in fine form in Taiwan as part of her Number Ones: Up Close And Personal tour that is taking in 35 cities across the world. But she threatened to burst out of her stage outfit, as she did in 2004 when she caused outrage by exposing a breast on live TV.
An onlooker said: " Janet could hardly contain herself. "
SINGER JANET JACKSON bursts on to stage at a gig - and almost pops out of her sexy catsuit.

The busty singer, who famously flashed a boob at a performance in 2004, wore the daring low - cut leather catsuit at a concert in the Taiwanese capital Taipei.
MICHAEL JACKSON's sister, 44, performed an energetic routine and kept herself just about covered up.

While Rihanna is making headlines in North America with her sexy and almost naked outfits, Janet Jackson is getting all the attention in Asia with her tight rubber catsuit outfit.
The 44-year-old singer performed with erotically clad dancers in Taiwan last friday wearing a catsuit that brings back memories of her wardrobe malfunction in 2004. Luckily, the singer finished her Number Ones world tour set without any nipple reveal.
Rihanna should take style lessons from Janet. Being sexy onstage doesn't mean you need to be almost naked.
spanish news :

Lady Gaga no es la única que está dando conciertos por Toronto. Janet Jackson también está dando el cante por esas tierras. Tierras por cierto donde parece no hacer mucho frío. Al menos eso es lo que nos hace pensar el atuendo que lucieron ambas en Canadá: la primera, como siempre, provocando con sus transparencias, y la segunda, enseñando más de la cuenta, con una ropa tan ajustada que ni el salchichón de mi pueblo.
A sus 44 años, la cantante no se corta ni un pelo, y quiere demostrar que, al menos para ella, sigue estando bien buena. Siguiendo la moda actual de ir medio en bolas por el escenario, Janet no se privó a la hora de tener que enseñar escote, y apareció en escena con un traje de cuero prieto cual Catwoman que dudo mucho la dejara respirar.

Igual se sentía como Halle Berry en la peli. No lo sé, ella estaba encantada. Y tanto que se emocionó que se movió por todas partes. En cada movimiento, más se le pegaba el traje ( por eso del sudor y tal ) y ahí es cuando vio la luz el chichi de la Jackson. Él también quería cantar un poco.
Cantar cantó, y dió el cante una pasada. Espero que no vean sexy esto de ir con el chichi ajustado las famosas, porque no, no lo es. Al menos a mi me da para atrás bastante. Me provoca una mezcla de vergüenza ajena, incomodidad y mal gusto.
Pero como en esto de dar de qué hablar y de pasarse con eso del arte de seducir insinuando, a las famosas actuales se les está yendo de las manos la moda que lucen en sus conciertos. Aunque bien es cierto que cuando vas a verlas cantar buscas espectáculo. Pero no esta clase de espectáculo, por favor, que el chichi de Janet Jackson creo que no le mola a nadie.
german news :

Janet Jackson machte im Jahr 2004 auf sich aufmerksam, als sie damals beim Super Bowl ihren Busen blitzen ließ. Nun passierte ihr fast wieder ein ähnliches Missgeschick. Bei einem Auftritt wurden ihre Silikon - Brüste dermaßen gequetscht, dass das Dekolleté drohte zu platzen.
Letztendlich hatte sie aber noch einmal Glück. Beide Brüste blieben gut verpackt.
edit : Janet´s breasts are 100 percent silicone free. It seems the reporters can´t believe a 44 year old has such great brests without plastic surgery. Janet rocks !
Science-Fiction-Outfit mit Mörder-Dekolletee: Bei diesem Anblick hätte sogar der sonst so taffe Captain Future Reißaus genommen!

Bei ihrem Konzert im taiwanesischen Taipeh sorgte Janet Jacksons Push - up - Style für Bedrohungskulisse ohne Ende. Vor lauter Überdruck drohte ihr Dekolletee regelrecht zu explodieren und die Sängerin samt Saal - Publikum mir nichts, dir nichts in den Orbit zu sprengen.
Als hätte ihr Busenblitzer bei ihrem Auftritt vor 90 Millionen Zuschauern des Super Bowls 2004 nicht gereicht, erinnerte Jackson bei ihrem Taipeh - Konzert an eben diesen. Froh konnten die Zuschauer da nur sein, dass diesmal kein Justin Timberlake mit auf der Bühne stand, der der 44 - Jährigen - so wie seinerzeit bei dem Footoball-Event - noch den letzten Textilfetzen von der Brust reißt.

That´s all for this part and here are part 3 , part 4 and part 5
click here for best of Janet Jackson live , new janet clips , my first post about Janet Jackson , the mega busty Latoya post and more Janet Jackson and even more Janet Jackson part 2 and Janet megabusty in blue first part that also has her new video MAKE ME and second part - NEWEST JANET POSTS :

Newest clip : Janet Jackson at the season finale of American Idol performing Again, Nothing and Nasty.
Janet Jackson´s performance on American Idol 833 MB in 9 parts ( no password needed ) 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9
alternative links 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9

more posts with sexy musicians :
the first beyonce post post , beyonce & lady gaga - video phone , beyonce & lady gaga - telephone and more clips
click here for part 1 , part 2 , part 3 and part 4 of Lindsay Lohan
The picture above - of Kim Possible doubleteaming a schlong with Shego - are courtesy of erotic artist extraordinaire Julius Zimmerman. You can find all his uncensored pics in the Zimmerman picture archive
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Check out the new big Mariah Mega Post for all the pics and clips
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