Jami Gertz

and Betsy Russel cinema cult sirens triple feature
and the soloposts for Joyce Hyser flashing her boobs

and 80s bikini cenerfold Markie Post

you may ask yourself why there is no triple feature post about blondes. The truth is that I wanted to do one but I couldn´t find the clips I was looking for. So here´s a shoutout to all my readers to help me out with the following.
The best scene from the movie and one of the most erotic scenes in the history of cinema is Joy Harmon´s carwash in COOL HAND LUKE. Since she plays a girl who gets off on getting the inmates a hard - on Joy uses all her tricks to show off her spectacular boobs which treaten to pop her dress ( which is only held together by a small saftey pin ) and in the end presses her wet soapy melons against the car window.
At first she just drags them across the glass but then she gets them all wet and wildly bounces them against it again and again and again and again.
Not only has this scene made a huge impression on me it also has influenced countless others and it´s no stretch to say that videos like Mister Mixalot´s PUT THEM ON THE GLASS owe everything to Joy Harmon. Sadly, I couldn´t find a download link or good pictures. But you should be able to get the blue ray or dvd of the movie pretty easy. Here´s what I could find. More screenshots :
The clip on YouTube :
I know what you´re thinking : Anne - Marie Martin who played Dori Doreau, Sledge Hammers´s partner ? Wasn´t she pretty normal looking ?
In most episodes, yes, I have to agree. However there was one episode in which she went undercover as a model to bust a white slavery ring in which she could really strut her stuff.

And boy, she´s one classy lady but beneath it all there´s a physique that could double the sales number of any men´s magazine. Like the leader of the white slavery ring said : " She´ll make a good wife AND a concubine. "

I couldn´t find a clip of this, the only one I found was one where Sledge and Dori go into a steam room, and her skirt gets nicely shrunk. Too bad the cameraman wasn't allowed to zoom in, the girl really got some hot gams.

Since I have not much to offer of the first two blondes here is one were I have some clips. It´s kind of a repost but I have added some new material.
The third blonde in this post is megahot Kathleen Kinmont who is married to Lorenzo Lamas who played Gambit in his Renegade series - which as strange as it sounds sucked. The only good thing in the series was his wife Kathleen Kinmont ( and I bet she sucks really good ) who is hotter than hell and who starred in a lot of movies that weren't very good.
The only movie with her that's not a total waste of time is THE CORPORATE LADDER a softporn movie about a woman trying to suceed in the business world. As co - stars there are such wellknown actors as Ben Cross, Talisa Soto and hardbodies Lisa Marie Scott and Meilani Paul. You can find a trailer here : trailer
In the movie Kathleen Kinmont performs one of the sexiest striptease ever before going down on the guy.
And not only does she look extremly hot - the butt on that woman is unbelievable.
Say what you want about Lorenzo you can´t knock his taste in women. As soon as he laid eyes on Kathleen he decided he needed to bang her on a regular basis.
A few collages of the screenshots :

Of course all the clips are not safe for work. The first two clips have really low quality but I couldn't find anything better. If you have any HD clips please contact me. Here are the screenshots :
The clips :
And since there are no clips for the first two blondes in this post - or at least not the ones I wanted - here are some more clips from THE CORPORATE LADDER :
Meilani Paul also starred in HARD TIME together with Andy Sidaris girl and playmate Devin Devasquez. As there are not many clips of the movie around I have also included them here.

click here for the Tylene Buck RELOADED post here for more Tylene Buck and here for even more Tylene Buck
click for ultimate Power Girl Pamela Anderson , Pamela Anderson cleavage in black , Pamela Anderson on Dancing with the Stars and the essential Pamela Anderson
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