Monica Bellucci in black , in red and part 3
Here´s the list of Top Ten movie striptease :
1. Halle Berry ( Last Boy Scout )
2. Demi Moore ( Striptease )

3. Erika Eleniak ( Under Siege )
4. Jamie Lee Curtis ( True Lies )

5. Salma Hayek ( From Dusk Till Dawn )

6. Elizabeth Berkley ( Showgirls )

7. Claudia Christian ( The Hidden )
8. Pamela Anderson ( Barb Wire )

8. Kathleen Kinmont ( The corporate Ladder )
10. Jessica Biel ( Powder Blue )
more hot cinema sexbombs :
power girl Carolyn Monroe
part 1 , part 2 , part 3 and part 4 of cult sexbomb Nikki Fritz

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The nun with the giant pornstar tits giving a monstercock some oral absolution ( below right ) is from the John Persons picture archive