Of course Debbe´s best known as tooltime girl Heidi from HOME IMPROVEMENT where she replaced none other than Pamela Anderson and showed some breathtaking skills.
Man, Debbe can polish my tool anytime she wants.
I had some download links for that clip, but sadly they were deleted. Here are some new clips and you can always get the DVDs.
NEW : debbe on home improvement - clash of the taylors 30 MB
NEW : debbe on home improvement - trouble a bruin 21 MB
NEW : debbe on home improvement - room at the top 12 MB
NEW : debbe on home improvement - adios 11 MB
I wonder why I still haven´t gotten them since not only does the show have Debbe Dunning and Pamela Anderson, it´s pretty funny too.

Back to Debbe Dunning, her best movie ( and one of my favorite ones ) was MISERY BROTHERS were she played a Jessica Rabbit lookalike.

I have already two long posts about that movie so I´m just posting the links with some screenshots.

Debbe Dunning as Jessica Rabbit 1 - 14 MB

Debbe Dunning as Jessica Rabbit 2 - 23 MB

Debbe Dunning as Jessica Rabbit 3 - 16 MB

Debbe Dunning as Jessica Rabbit 4 - 9 MB

Here´s a new clip I found, a compilation of Debbe´s best scenes from MISERY BROTHERS.
NEW : debbe dunning misery brothers compilation 61 MB
I have been adding all new clips I found ( notthat there are so many with Debbe Dunning ) to the old post but it just kept getting longer and longer until it grew to ridiculous lengths. So all the new posts will be here and I´ll change the links on the old posts when I get to it.
Here's a clip with the ultrahot Debbe in a white bikini from the movie NOW YOU KNOW.
download the clip 34 MB / ditto / 32 MB / divx 17 MB
Here´s Debbe´s scene from LEPRACHAUN 4 and the incredible thing is not that Debbe stars in it but that they really made 3 sequels to LEPRACHAUN. I think this part was rather funny though. If that was intended or not - who knows ?

Debbe Dunning in Leprachaun 4

The next clips are from the tv series SILK STALKINGS which for some unfathomable reasons was called PLAM BEACH DUO in Germany. It starred Rob Estes and the hot Mitzi Kapture and though it was an american tv series they managed to do some pretty raunchy scenes.

Maybe that´s why they lasted eight seasons from 1991 to 1999. So when you were a tv viewer in the 90s you probably knew the series ( although it may have been somewhat later in Germany as we always tend to get these things later than the american audiences ).
Debbe Dunning in Silk Stalkings clip 1 - 45 MB

Debbe Dunning in Silk Stalkings clip 2 - 29 MB / ditto
Debbe Dunning in Silk Stalkings clip 3 - 43 MB
Debbe Dunning in Silk Stalkings clip 4 - 45 MB
And you can use this link to get more screenshots from silk stalkings . For future reference I have included the following links but I think I already have the best stuff on my blog.
pics, screenshots, gifs, clips of debbe dunning / a few clips and screenshots / also some clips and screenshots of debbe dunning / some screenshots, videos must be re - upped
And that´s all for this post even though I have to admit I´m only finishing it after Debbe´s birthday as you could see by the comments. In any case, Happy birthday, Debbe and many Happy Returns !

young Janet Jackson : matress pounder Gabrielle Union
Debbe Dunning the real Jessica Rabbit ( the pictures / the clips )
Janet Jones in Police Academy 5 / Leslie Easterbrook all wet
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Coleen Camp´s big cleavage on CLUE
click here for Halle Berry´s famous blue dress ( the clips / the pics ) and part 1 , part 2 , part 3 , part 4 and part 5 of sexy Halle Berry´s big cleavage in black, Halle Berry´s big cleavage on Jay Leno , Halle as Green Lantern Soranik Natu and part 1 and part 2 of Halle Berry at the 2011 Golden Globe Awards, some new pics of stunning Halle in black dresses and part 1 and part 2 of sexbomb Halle Berry showing her incredible boobs in a red bikini
Loves to suck : cult siren Lysette Anthony ( with Barbara Bach )

Here´s the famous " I´m not a stripper " scene from DESPERATE HOUSEWIFES where Teri Hatcher crashes a party and gets mistaken for a stripper because of her pregnant XXL airbags.

" I´m not a stripper " clip - 185 MB / 83 MB / ditto / ditto / ditto
Here are some high quality screenshots from the scene :

click for mega MILF Teri Hatcher´s tv and movie clips her appearances on late night and on two and a half men
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