She´s best known for playing one of the supersexy zipperbabes on the first CANNONBALL RUN movie but she also upgraded such movies like the first SWAMP THING movie ( the good one ), THE FOG and ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK.
In CANNONBALL RUN Adrienne plays the same character as Catherine Bach later on, as there is always a blonde zipperbabe and a brunette zipperbabe.
You know, whenever the first two Cannonball Run movies are on I watch them, because not only do they have such hot chicks like Adrienne and Catherine, there are also some uncredited babes with some serious cleavage. I don´t know, back then a comedy just had to have a certain amount of naked chicks or chicks in bikinis or with wet t - shirts - or at least some huge cleavage - to be considered a comedy.
Most of them were college / beach comedies like SPRING BREAK with Nikki Fritz and some other hot girls. There is one girl that made me particular horny - she´s the singer in the blue spandex pushing her tits in your face - but I don´t know her name ( spring break clip ).

Another classic is BACHELOR PARTY featuring Monique Gabrielle who looked really spectacular.

Back in the 80s your best bet to see some naked boobs were screwball comedies. You knew you were going to get boobies and every prebubescent boy growing up in the 80s saw JUST ONE OF THE GUYS. Joyce Hyser may not be famous and may not have played in the best movies but - holy s - word - she´s built like a pornstar ! She´s totally stacked !

Sorry, no download link on this one but here´s the clip
Something just went wrong from there. In any case there is one scene in the first CANNONBALL RUN movie where the Sheik orders food at a drive in and the waitress there has an unbelievable cleavage with two big, ripe melons. So far I couldn´t find out who plays that part.
Back to Adrienne Barbeau, here are the CANNONBALL RUN clips.

Adrienne Barbeau and Tara Buckman in Cannonball Run - clip 1

Adrienne and Tara Buckman - clip 2 - 47 MB / 32 MB / 10 MB
A clip of Adrienne Barbeau on DREAM ON where she first wears a seethrough shirt ( with a corsage under it ) and then a dress that has a nice cleavage.

explosive cleavage and see thru on dream on
Here´s another clip from some tv show - no idea which one - where Adrienne shakes all that she got, and she really got a lot. I´ve never seen so much bouncing action on an american sitcom.

Adrienne Barbeau whole lotta shaking going on
Last but not least her naked scene from the first SWAMP THING movie which really was the only good one so far.

in swamp thing 63 MB / 19 MB / 10.7 MB / 10.4 MB / 9.2 MB
So these are the best ones I found but you can click here for more pics and clips of Adrienne Barbeau . Happy birthday Adrienne Barbeau and Many Happy Returns !
blonde 80s Power Girl Markie Post´s huge 36C boobies
Christy Hartburg as Super Lorna in SUPERVIXENS
Anne Marie Martin makes my boner hard like a sledgehammer
natural born stripper nympho Elisabeth Berkeley / part 2
sexbomb Tanya Danielle all wet , raunchy and with toys
pin up goddess Raquel Welch and her all - new clips
sexbomb Heather Thomas Jody on FALL GUY / part 2 / part 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 and 11 of megabusty sexbomb Coco
Kelly Overton´s butt cleavage in tekken / Best Wonder Woman EVER Lynda Carter / part 1 , 2 , 3 and part 4 of Lindsay Lohan
Joyce Hyser flashing her bonerinducing pornstar boobs
sexbomb Erika Eleniak´s sexy striptease on UNDER SIEGE
Here´s the famous " I´m not a stripper " scene from DESPERATE HOUSEWIFES where Teri Hatcher crashes a party and gets mistaken for a stripper because of her pregnant XXL airbags.

" I´m not a stripper " clip - 83 MB / ditto
Here are some high quality screenshots from the scene :

click for mega MILF Teri Hatcher´s tv and movie clips her appearances on late night and on two and a half men
part 1 , part 2 and new stuff about 36C hottie Wynona Ryde Her
busty Darlene Silva in a sling bikini, in a pink bikini, getting all wet, spreading them , exposing her nipples and some new pics
click here for Halle Berry´s famous blue dress ( the clips / the pics ) and part 1 , part 2 , part 3 , part 4 and part 5 of sexy Halle Berry´s big cleavage in black, Halle Berry´s big cleavage on Jay Leno , Halle as Green Lantern Soranik Natu and part 1 and part 2 of Halle Berry at the 2011 Golden Globe Awards, some new pics of stunning Halle in black dresses and part 1 and part 2 of sexbomb Halle Berry showing her incredible boobs in a red bikini
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