Now I have finally found download links for two different files. The first one is the complete story with the magic cockring ( 60 pictures, 11.2 MB ). The second one has the complete first story and a second one in which Clara has to deal with a horny werwolf. As usual the art is top notch and I´m glad I can finally provide the download links for my readers. Not to mention that I´m also excited to see how the story ends.

And speaking of download links here is the page where I found the download links and there is a nice collection of Epoch comics with download links right there. So if you are missing any parts you might want to check it out.

And speaking of erotic art, I have put up new download links for the John Persons art collection because the old one was deleted. I have already changed it in the post but here are the newest download links as well as the ones for the previous update for all my readers who might have missed them. There are some new pages in there but sadly nothing new on the Velma story.

As you can see these download links can vanish pretty fast ( I just posted them a few weeks ago ) so I wouldn´t wait too long with downloading them.
And last but not least here is a page where you can find many more download links for erotic comic art, 3D or otherwise.
Other hot Epoch 3D comics : Kendra Blake in freehope / unknown Power Girls - Kendra Blake special edition
picture ( left ) from strideri 3d sex comic / part 2
Picture on the right is from SUSAN STEEL - EASY DEAL which you can download here or here
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